An enlightened conversation with water district official Olivia Sanwong is interrupted by retiring Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty. "I've got news for you, nobody likes you guys," Haggerty said, in response to the show's tagline. But he also offers unvarnished takes on a number of issues. He even falls off his chair. (We thought he was having a heart attack.)
Zone 7 Water District Boardmember Olivia Sanwong joins the East Bay Insiders podcast as the first official to appear on the show who has not lost their last election. She chats about her district, espionage, the presidential race, Thai food, Pete Stark and Kobe Bryant's passing, and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. Then, like a photobombing, the show was "podcastbombed" by a surprise guest. Find out who in Part 2, coming next week.